Calcium Phosphate Mineral. Calcium phosphate minerals are common in unweathered to moderately weathered soils, however with increased weathering Ca leaches from the soil and precipitates of Al and Fe phosphates form (Pierzynski et al., 2005). From: Applied
Read More2020.3.24 Here, we report the synthesis and crystal structure determination of DCPM. This form of CaP is found to crystallize from amorphous calcium hydrogen phosphate
Read MoreHydroxyapatite (HA) is a calcium phosphate mineral with the chemical formula Ca10 (PO 4) 6 (OH) 2. HA-like compounds compose approximately 65% of bone, making it an
Read More2017.5.1 Resumen La historia de los fosfatos de calcio en el campo de la medicina comienza en 1769, cuando se descubre la primera evidencia de su existencia en el
Read More2019.6.11 A Unique Protonated Phosphate Group in Bone Mineral Not Present in Synthetic Calcium Phosphates: Identification by Phosphorus-31 Solid State NMR
Read More2023.5.17 In this chapter, we review calcium and phosphate homeostasis including the critical organs involved (skeleton, parathyroids, GI tract, kidneys etc.) as well as the
Read More2019.1.14 Calcium phosphates are minerals composed of calcium cations and phosphate anions. They are known as the major inorganic material in approximately 60%
Read More2018.11.13 Abstract. Calcium phosphate biomineralization is essential to the formation of bones and teeth, and other pathological calcifications. Unravelling the mechanism of calcium phosphate
Read More2023.9.12 Calcium phosphate has been widely accepted as a biocompatible material chemically resembling the mineral component of human teeth and bone and would be
Read More2023.11.21 Calcium phosphate mineral makes up about 70% of the bone mass, ensuring its stability, hardness, and mechanical strength. However, a critical shortcoming
Read More2012.9.1 2. Métabolisme minéral2.1.Calcium [3–9] 2.1.1. Distribution et fonctions dans l’organisme2.1.1.1. Le calcium osseux. Le calcium osseux représente près de 99,9 % du calcium total du corps humain adulte (1 kg soit 25 moles).Environ 99 % de ce calcium est déposé autour de la trame osseuse protéique sous forme de cristaux d’hydroxyapatite
Read More2007.1.23 The present overview is intended to point the readers’ attention to the important subject of calcium orthophosphates. This type of materials is of the special significance for the human beings because
Read More2023.3.15 Phosphate dosing is the principle strategy used in the United Kingdom to reduce the concentration of lead in tap waters supplied by lead water pipes. The mechanisms of phosphate-mediated lead
Read More2012.9.1 L’homéostasie phosphocalcique est soumise à trois challenges. Le premier consiste à accumuler et maintenir un important stock osseux de phosphates de calcium qui leur confère leur résistance mécanique. Cet objectif, indépendant des apports alimentaires, repose sur : (1) l’augmentation de l’absorption intestinale phosphocalcique par ...
Read More2023.4.7 Hydroxyapatite (Ca 10 (PO 4) 6 (OH) 2) (HA) is a phase of calcium phosphate, and belongs to a family of materials called the calcium apatites (Ref 1, 2).Calcium phosphate materials differ in their ratio of calcium to phosphorous, where stochiometric HA has a calcium to phosphorous ratio of 1.67 (Ref 3, 4).The names,
Read MoreDuring the 1960s, an amorphous phase termed amorphous calcium phosphate (Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 n H 2 O, ACP) was first proposed as a precursor to crystalline calcium orthophosphate minerals in pseudo physiological systems. 25 This includes HA, the major mineral component of both human bone and teeth. 26 The presence of ACP in these tissues has
Read More2017.8.25 Phosphate concentrations in environmental (e.g., mar-ine), intracellular, or extracellular (e.g., osteoid) aqueous and calcium-containing environments are too low for spontaneous, inorganic formation of a first calcium phos-phate mineral from solution (nucleation). However, cal-cium phosphate minerals do nucleate and grow in these
Read More2020.7.25 Phosphate (Pi) is a vital constituent of cells and cell membranes as well as of body fluids and tissues, it is a major intracellular divalent anion, participates in many genetic, energy and intermediary metabolic pathways, and is important for bone health [1,2,3].Availability of calcium (Ca) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the right proportions at
Read More2014.5.14 Il y a trois sources de phosphore alimentaire : les protéines animales. les végétaux. les aliments industriels avec leurs additifs. On trouve beaucoup de phosphore sous la forme de phosphates organiques dans les protéines animales : laitages, viande, volaille, poisson. Plus de la moitié du phosphore présent dans ces aliments est absorbé.
Read More2004.10.1 Christian Rey. Biological mineralisations based on calcium phosphate. The mineral fractions of bones and teeth are non-stoichiometric apatite crystals. Their morphology, dimensions, composition ...
Read More2023.9.12 Calcium phosphates are classified according to their specific solubilities such as their degradation over time after it is attached and bonded to bone tissue and slowly being replaced by advancing bone growth (Fig. 3.1).Once it is exposed to bodily fluids, an exchange in the surface ions of calcium phosphate or HAp can take place with those of
Read More2011.4.1 Celle-ci stimule la libération de calcium et de phosphate de l’os vers le plasma, réduit l’excrétion fractionnelle du calcium et stimule la production rénale de calcitriol qui augmente l’absorption intestinale de calcium et de phosphate. ... Effect of parathyroid hormone (1–37) on fractures and bone mineral density in post ...
Read More2020.9.24 The effect of the phosphorylation of OPN peptides on calcium phosphate mineral formation, growth, and mineralization inhibition was examined by several groups 17,41,42,43. ... de Bruyn, J. R. et ...
Read More2017.5.1 La historia de los fosfatos de calcio en el campo de la medicina comienza en 1769, cuando se descubre la primera evidencia de su existencia en el tejido óseo. ... Apatite was the first calcium phosphate recognized as mineral specie. It was in 1786 when Abraham Gottlob, well-known as the father of German geology, discovered this mineral.
Read More2022.1.21 Calcium phosphate is a compound that contains both calcium and phosphorus. It is a naturally occurring mineral that is a large component of bones and teeth. The compound has a variety of roles in ...
Read More2023.12.4 Calcium orthophosphates (CaPs) are important in geology, biomineralization, animal meta- bolism and biomedicine, and constitute a structurally and chemically diverse class of minerals.
Read More2016.4.5 Calcium phosphate apatites offer outstanding biological adaptability that can be attributed to their specific physico-chemical and structural properties. The aim of this review is to summarize and discuss the specific characteristics of calcium phosphate apatite biominerals in vertebrate hard tissues (bone, dentine and enamel). Firstly, the structural,
Read More2020.1.29 Calcium phosphate minerals are typically the solubility-limiting phase for phosphate in calcareous soils. Magnesium (Mg), despite being present in high concentrations in calcareous soils, has been largely neglected in the study of formation and stabilization of soil phosphate minerals due to the high solubility of pure Mg phosphate
Read More2022.4.12 Phosphorite (calcium phosphate). Logrosán (Spain) Full size image. Considered as a cryptocrystalline variety of apatite. Main source of phosphorus. An essential nutrient for plants and animals (see: phosphorus) Assigned the status of a strategic mineral by the EU in 2017.
Read More2020.12.10 The way to successfully upgrade a phosphate ore is based on the full understanding of its mineralogy, minerals surface properties, minerals distribution and liberation. The conception of a treatment process consists of choosing the proper operations with an adequate succession depending on the ore properties. Usually, froth flotation
Read More2018.6.17 Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) attracts attention as a precursor of crystalline calcium phosphates (CaPs) formation in vitro and in vivo as well as due to its excellent biological properties. Its formation can be considered to be an aggregation process. Although aggregation of ACP is of interest for both gaining a fundamental
Read More2022.8.13 This physiological process is regulated by interactions of apatite precursor minerals, such as octacalcium phosphate Ca 8 H 2 (PO 4) 6 5H 2 O (OCP) and amorphous calcium phosphate Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 nH
Read MoreARTICLE Inorganic phosphate in growing calcium carbonate abalone shell suggests a shared mineral ancestral precursor Widad Ajili 1,2,7, Camila B. Tovani1,7, Justine Fouassier 1, Marta de Frutos 3 ...
Read MoreCalcium’s Functional Roles. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and greater than 99 percent of it is stored in bone tissue. Although only 1 percent of the calcium in the human body is found in the blood and soft tissues, it is here that it performs the most critical functions. Blood calcium levels are rigorously controlled so ...
Read More2021.12.17 Cardiovascular complications due to accelerated arterial stiffening and atherosclerosis are the leading cause of morbimortality in Western society. Both pathologies are frequently associated with vascular calcification. Pathologic calcification of cardiovascular structures, or vascular calcification, is associated with several diseases
Read MoreHowever, there is clear evidence that collagen offers nucleation sites for calcium phosphate precipitation and guides the growing mineral structure. 35 Recently, Wang et al. demonstrated that under in vitro conditions a highly organized bone-like HAP structure can be precipitated in a dense collagen matrix without the presence of any other ...
Read MoreUtilisation des Plans d'Expériences Pour la Modélisation de l'Élaboration d'un Phosphate de Calcium de Propriétés Antiseptiques à Usage Biomédical. Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 2006, ... Changes in Acid-phosphate Content in Enamel Mineral during Porcine Amelogenesis. Journal of Dental Research 1991, 70 (12 ...
Read MoreAbstract. The mineralized or calcified tissues in biological systems are composed of two phases: organic and inorganic or mineral phases. In the invertebrates (e.g., echinoderms, mollusks, arthropods, etc.), the inorganic phase is usually calcium carbonate, CaCO 3, predominantly in the form of either calcite or aragonite or both.
Read More2023.11.16 Abstract – Milk and dairy products contain large amounts of calcium phosphate salts that can precipitate. The chemical composition and the crystalline structure of the calcium phosphate precipitates that are formed in dairy industry depend on the physico-chemical conditions, particularly, pH and mineral composition.
Read More2011.4.1 Celle-ci stimule la libération de calcium et de phosphate de l’os vers le plasma, réduit l’excrétion fractionnelle du calcium et stimule la production rénale de calcitriol qui augmente l’absorption intestinale de calcium et de phosphate. ... The distinctive features of the eggshell, as compared to bone or teeth, are its mineral ...
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